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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

"Howell uses small, but excellent forces for his performances. The choir sing with an excellent body of sound, filling the helpful and unfussy acoustic of the Pitt Street Methodist Church with ease. The orchestra too is small. Just one string player to each line, all excellent and stylistically aware.“

​NZ Opera News


"Proportions for Saturday night's performance were perfect, with 17 instrumentalists and a choir of 16 heard to their best in the clear acoustics of the Pitt Street Methodist Church.“

​New Zealand Herald

V O C A L   S C H O L A R S H I P S

Vocal Scholarships are being offered by the Pitt St Methodist Church. Contact Choir Director Robert Howell 021 0635 862 if you are interested to apply.

E V E N T S​
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